Veckans bästa
Lite bakgrundsfaka kommer här: I fredags när jag gick ut från nattcluben pratade jag med en kille i ca 5 min. han berättade att han var från New York men på besök i Seattle. Eftersom jag vet att det är vikigt att nätverka när man är ute och reser mycket tog jag hans nummer. Hoppade sedan in i Taxin med mina vänner och åkte på efterfest hos våra nyfunna amerikanska vänner. Efter att ha pratat lite med Kim bestämde jag mig för att ringa killen på nattet eftersom jag just då kännde att jag verkligen borde ha en vän i New York. Eftersom min mob inte fungerar i USA lånade jag husvärden James mob. Jag ringde upp killen som inte svarade, men tänkte sedan inte mer på det. Idag fick kim detta mail av James, som han skickade till alla sina vänner inkl Kim.
Ok, so I've got a story that you all might enjoy.
So, my friend and I are hanging out Friday night in Belltown, and right
before getting into a cab to go home, we meet a group of like 6 euros.
I decide that its a good idea to invite them over and they accept the
invitation. Euros were totally awesome, but I got in trouble with the
neighbors. Anyway, I wake up hungover on Sat morning to a text from a
random 716 number. I assume that it is one of the Euros. Hilarity
Here's the text log:
Call History show 3 calls to the number at 3am on Sat morning.
716 Sat, 4:12 am - Lets make sure to meet up tomorrow!
716 Sat 11:33am - good morning! u have any plans later ? doing
dinner @ 5pm if u would like to join us.
Me Sat 1:07 pm - Watching football today. Maybe up for dinner... you
all ready for soul night?
716 Sat 1:19 pm - 2nite will be fun. let me know if ur dwn to join us. :)
Me Sat 7:50 - Hey, you guys still want to hang out tonight?
716 Sat 8:00 pm Yeah, headn back to the hotel to get ready. i'm
thinkin ohana in b-twn at 10.
Me Sat 8:03 pm - You should come to soul night at the lofi! Its
always super fun
716 Sat 8:05 pm - Where that?
Me Sat 8:09 pm 429 eastlake ave e. I think zach and I are heading
down there with some friends around 1030
716 Sat 8:14 pm Cool. have friends coming over to the hotel at 9.
ill run it by them.
716 Sat 9:34 pm Will be in btwn 2nite if u make ur way back this
way. thanks 4 the invite :)
Me Sat 10:11 pm Bummer. Bummer. You should seriously reconsider!
Soul night is the best!
Me Sat 11:38 Your totally missing out.
716 Sun 1:28 am Wasted. yeah still in btwn. wish we could have met up.
So, the Euros show up to Soul Night around midnight, and I eventually
realize that the person I have been texting with is, in fact, not one
of the Euros. In a semi-drunk haze the next morning, I decide that I
must investigate further.
Me Sun 11:12am :( sad we didn't meet up. How was your night? We had
tons of fun at lofi. Are you leaving today?
716 Sun 11:25 am Yeah, leavin in an hour. keep my number and will
keep in touch. ill let u know when i'm back in twn again. :)
Me Sun 11:42 am Yeah. Lets be facebook friends... What's your full name?
716 Sun 12:36 pm Stev. dont have face book though.jst
have email and my cell. ill let u know if i sign up. u have a pic.
of urself u dont mind sendin?
716 Sun 12:37 pm Picture of Stev
Me Sun 1:16 pm Picture of Me.
My best guess is that I let one of the Euro girls use my phone to call
this guy on Fri night and then he thought my # was her number. I
think Stev might have been a little shocked when he got my picture.
One of the Eurogirls var ju naturligtvis jag. Sjukt rolig historia. Synd att de inte träffades på middagen, hade varit så roligt att se deras miner. Är även imponerad över att jag gjorde ett så gott intryck på Stev på 5 min kl 02.00 en fredagnatt.
haha jag läser inte ens bloggar, men detta som första inlägg var världens goaste. credd till dig linnea!
haha, gud vilket kul mejl! kan fatta att ni skrattade. :)
Du kan hitta nya, grymma nattklubbar på krogguiden.